6. Measurement of Interference and Wow & Flutter

6.1. S/N Ratio


o        SNRA_AA.SAC

o        SNRA_AD.SAC

o        SNRA_DA.SAC

o        SNRA_DD.SAC

o        SNRC_AA.SAC

o        SNRC_AD.SAC

o        SNRC_DA.SAC

o        SNRC_DD.SAC


Definitions and test conditions:

The S/N ratio is the ratio in dB of the nominal output voltage to the sum of the broadband or weighted measured output voltages with the source EMF set to zero.
To determine the S/N ratio, the output voltage of the amplifier is measured under nominal conditions (ie the nominal output voltage V
2ref at full-scale amplitude of the DUT is measured). Then the source EMF is reduced to zero and the noise voltage V2' is measured. The result is indicated as noise level V2' or as S/N ratio 20 lg (V2ref/V2') db.
Audio Analyzers UPD and UPL provide S/N ratio measurements as automatic test sequences.  S/N ratio measurements are covered by a variety of test standards and procedures. These differ mainly in:

o        the type of weighting filter used for simulating hearing sensitivity as a function of frequency,

o        the type of detector used.


For linear audio noise voltage measurements, the unweighted rms noise voltage is measured in accordance with DIN 45412 "Noise voltage measurements on sound broadcast receivers and related equipment". In this measurement, a bandpass filter of 22.4 Hz to 22.4 kHz is used for limiting the measurement bandwidth approximately to the range of audibility.  DIN 45412 further defines a commonly used method of S/N ratio measurement in which an A filter is used and the rms noise voltage determined.  The steep roll-off of the A curve with decreasing frequencies results in a strong attenuation of hum components, which is expedient for this measurement as it truly reflects hearing conditions.  The standard prescribes the use of an rms detector, so the average noise power is measured. However, the ear is very sensitive to sound containing pulses (noise peaks, clicking noise). Therefore, increasing use is made of a quasi-peak detector to CCIR 468-4 or DIN 45405.  The standard DIN 45405 "Noise voltage measurement in sound engineering" technically coincides with CCIR Recommendation 468 "Measurement of audio-frequency noise in broadcasting, in sound-recording systems and on sound program circuits". It defines, for example, filter curves for weighted and unweighted measurements.

For unweighted noise level measurements, the same bandpass filter as defined by DIN 45412 is used.  Measurement of noise as defined by DIN IEC 268-3 (amplifiers) provides for measurements using A filters and rms weighting as well as measurements to CCIR 468-3 (corresp. to DIN 45405). 

Notes on measurements:

Setups SNRA... measure the S/N ratio as a weighted rms value using an A filter, setups SNRC... use a quasi-peak detector and a CCIR filter.
It should be noted that the quasi-peak detector requires a settling time of approx. 3 s to supply valid results. This time is set in the setup.

Apart from the filters used in the above S/N ratio measurements, a wide variety of other weighting filters is in use in practice. In digital applications, for example, weighting is performed with a CCIR ARM filter which is also known as CCIR 2k filter. It differs from the CCIR weighted filter in its reference frequency of 2 kHz (normally 1 kHz). Moreover, this measurement is rms-weighted. In the ANALYZER panel, any other weighting filter can be selected in the Filter line. The automatic S/N test sequence can be switched on or off in the S/N Sequ line. 

A comparison of results of noise voltage measurements is possible only if the test conditions regarding detectors, weighting filters and measurement bandwidth are observed. Depending on the type of measurement, deviations of more than 10 dB may be obtained.



6.2 Crosstalk



o        CRSS_AA.SAC

o        CRSS_AD.SAC

o        CRSS_DA.SAC

o        CRSS_DD.SAC

Definitions and test conditions:

In accordance with DIN IEC 268-3, the level difference between the output signal of a fully driven channel and the output signal of a channel that is not driven is measured. The measurement is prescribed for both directions, and the results may differ due to asymmetries of the setup. The measurement is mandatory at the reference frequency and optional at further frequencies. Often measurements are made over the entire frequency range and results displayed graphically. 
Both broadband and selective measurements are possible. Since with high-quality DUTs, the crosstalk level is in the vicinity of noise, only selective measurements are expedient in this case.  For crosstalk, measured values will always be < 1 (negative dB value) since the measured voltage is referred to the nominal output voltage. 
For crosstalk attenuation, which is likewise specified, values > 1 (positive dB values) will be obtained  since the reference used is reversed.

Crosstalk is measured at a level of -20 dBFS in accordance with AES 17.

Notes on measurements:

Crosstalk measurement is not a separate measurement function on Audio Analyzers UPD and UPL, it is performed as a level measurement, with results being referred to the level values obtained for the other channel in each case. 

The setups determine crosstalk in both directions. Measurements are made selectively with the aid of the sweep function from 10 Hz to 20 kHz. The following additional settings are to be made:

o        In the basic setting of the setup, the test signal is output to channel 1 only. The level for the "analog" setup is at 1 V and must be set to maximum level of the DUT.
For all other setups, the level is to be set to -20 dBFS.

o        The sweep is started and crosstalk coupled into channel 2 displayed graphically. In the measurement, the level of channel 2 is determined and continuously referred to the level measured for channel 1
(setting: Reference MEAS CH 1).

o        Now set TRACE A to HOLD in the DISPLAY panel and activate TRACE B to display the results of channel 1.

o        Set the reference for the results of channel 1 to MEAS CH 2 in the Reference line.

o        Set the Channel(s) line in the GENERATOR panel from 1 to 2 so that the other channel will be driven.

o        When the sweep is restarted, the crosstalk from channel 2 to channel 1 will be displayed in the diagram.


Since settings in various panels have to be modified when changing from one channel to the other, the use of the status panel is expedient in this case. In this panel the key command lines for an application can be combined and settings made in the status panel. In the setups, this feature has been taken into account, see Fig. 10.


6.3. Stereo Separation


o        SEPS_AA.SAC

o        SEPS_AD.SAC

o        SEPS_DA.SAC

o        SEPS_DD.SAC

Definitions and test conditions:

Measurement of the stereo separation is very similar to crosstalk measurement. In the latter, one channel is driven and the levels measured for the two channels and correlated to one another. In stereo separation measurement, on the other hand, only one channel is measured and the test signal switched between the two channels. If, as is usually the case, the input levels for the two channels are equal, identical results will be obtained for stereo separation and crosstalk measurements. Crosstalk measurements can however easier be integrated into a sweep and are therefore performed almost exclusively today. It has become common practice however to use the term "stereo separation" instead of "crosstalk".

For digital applications to AES 17, stereo separation measurements are performed the same as crosstalk measurements. For stereo separation, positive dB values are obtained.

Notes on measurements:

For the measurement procedure, the information given under 6.2 "Crosstalk" applies analogously.


6.4. Wow & Flutter


o        WFI_AA.SAC

o        WFN_AA.SAC

o        WFJ_AA.SAC

Definitions and test conditions:

When storing analog sound signals on moving media, the sound quality depends on the mechanical precision of the transport mechanism used. Short-term variations in speed will result in frequency fluctuations of the sound signal. 
To measure the frequency fluctuations, which are referred to as wow & flutter, a sinusoidal tone is played, FM-demodulated and the signal measured.
Since hearing sensitivity is greatest at modulation frequencies of 4 Hz, wow & flutter measurements are frequently performed by means of a 4-Hz weighting filter.

Wow & flutter measurements are covered by various standards differing in the test signal and the detector used:

o        DIN 45507 / IEC 386 / CCIR 409-2
Reference frequency: 3.15 kHz Evaluation: quasi-peak detector

o        NAB Recommendation
Reference frequency: 3 kHz Evaluation: average detector

o        Japan Industry Standard
Reference frequency: 3 kHz Evaluation: rms detector

Notes on measurements:

Three setups matched to standards DIN/IEC, NAB and JIS are available for wow & flutter measurements.
Not only the analyzer but also the generator is set, for instance for the recording of signals on test tapes.